Lei nº2/2011 - Remoção de amianto em edifícios, instalações e equipamentos públicos (in portuguese)
Decreto-Lei n.º 266/2007 (in portuguese)
The Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC) identified the need for a practical guide on how best to prevent or minimise risks from asbestos in the diverse works that involve or may involve asbestos. This guide has been prepared for use in the 2006 asbestos campaign undertaken throughout Europe by an independent contractor (IOM – Institute of Occupational Medicine) further to an open call for
tender. It provides a common basis of information for the labour inspector, the employer and the worker. The European Social Partners (trade union and employers representatives), members of the Advisory Committee for Safety and Health at Work, contributed to the discussion of drafts within the steering committee.
Within Europe, national legislation reflects the common requirements of the relevant European Directives. However, the legislation is implemented through national regulations that may differ between member states. There is also extensive guidance available within some member states. This guide seeks to promote the best practices, as available from any member state or elsewhere, and it includes state of the art improvements in practice.
The European Asbestos Conference in 2003 produced the "Dresden Declaration on the Protection of Workers against Asbestos", which recommended that the European Commission and the SLIC should produce practical guidelines such as these (Zieschang et al, 2003).
The guide is focussed on practical prevention, and it covers a wide range of types of work that involve, or may involve, asbestos.